How do I get ready to sell my house?

sell my house

Spring is almost here! That also means that a lot of people in Houston Texas are saying “How do I get ready to sell my house?” In case you didn’t know, it’s during spring and summer that home sales volume in this part of the country exponentially increase. Are you wondering why that is? Well, maybe it has something to do with the fact that Houston residents hate moving in cold and dark weather. Plus, who’d really want to move during winter and interrupt a school year? You’ll want to sell a Houston home at a time when the grass is green and flowers are blooming. I’ll bet you ten dollars you’re already dreaming of flowers right this moment. The bottom line is summer and spring rock for home sales.

If you’re a seller in Houston Texas, you’ll want to sell that house for more money and fast. There will always be an influx of buyers during spring. This large number of potential buyers will create a bidding war, which is a situation where more than one buyer makes you an offer on the house. You’ll have the power to pick who you want to sell to and that means you can sell at a price that’s higher than your asking price.

So what can I do to sell my house on this so called fast-selling season?

Learn about the market

I’m not telling you to get into a cram-session. Understanding the market is a gradual process. It takes time. First, you have to look for a house in your neighborhood. The house has to have similar features of course. Look at its listing price. Move on to another house that has the same features. Compare the two prices and then move on to similar homes that have been sold in the past. How long did it take those sellers to close the deal? That’s how you learn all that there is about a market.

Find out issues that your house might have

Think of yourself as a buyer and look for the kind of issues that you wouldn’t want in a house. This might also consume most of your time but it’s surely worth it. Take a pen and paper and write down the problems that you might find.

Prioritize repairs

A structural damage is more serious than a broken door knob. So when you’re writing down problems that the house has, start by listing the most and end the list with the least. Also, work on renovations that are absolutely necessary. This is not the time to create more room in the house.

Have a deadline

You should have a deadline of when you expect to have found a buyer and closed the deal. Otherwise, you’ll see the property go stale in the market.

Work with a professional

Maybe you need to seek the help of a professional who best understands how the Houston market works. Call us today and learn more about selling properties in Texas.

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